Sunday, August 16, 2009


A little over 20 years ago, a friend of mine bought a Seagate 20MB hard drive for $800. Today I bought an 8G flash drive for about $20. That's 400 times the space for 1/40 of the price--his cost in dollars per MB was 16,000 times what mine was, plus mine is portable, takes no power and fits on my keychain.

Of course, we kidded Shelby about "that's more memory than you'll use in your lifetime"; back then, we could fit every program and document we had on a few floppies. On the machine I'm using now, with a hard drive that's two weeks old, I've used about 30GB before loading any games or movies.

1 comment:

Lux Mentis said...

First PC: $800 20 Mb hard drive
Current purchase I'm eyeing: 1 Tb hard drive for $100

Comparison: I'm getting 400,000 times the value I did back then.

Also, your flash drive does not take no power. Just try getting anything off it without power. Good luck with that.

Also by way of comparison:

First Computer: WP for Dos, 1 720 Kb Floppy.
Current Computer: HP Printer Driver, 20 Mb. For just the driver.