Monday, March 29, 2010


I've come across a free copy of Soldier Raj. The other Avalanche Press products I've seen have not impressed me in terms of rules and game design; however, the graphics are usually great, and rules can be re-written if need be. The game covers one of my favorite subjects, so from my point of view it's worth trying.

And after much thought, I've come to the conclusion that De Bellis Antiquitas and its relatives just aren't convincing for me. Army formations are unreasonably rigid, combat outcomes are unrealistic, command ability is too variable and morale effects are nil. One of the great things about DBA, though, is that you can look up armies from 3000BC to AD1900, including plenty that you'd otherwise never hear of. And with Hordes of the Things, if you want to pit Timurid forces against Napoleonic Elves, or Barsoomian Green Men, or zombies, or Lost Worlds tribesmen riding dinosaurs, you can. So I'm mulling over ways to get the effects I want, keeping the flexibility without making an unwieldy game.

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