Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HIVE vs Captcha

A friend of a friend said:
Today we launched the closed beta for our product: the Human Intelligence Verification Engine.
It's a replacement for CAPTCHAs - those annoying little boxes you find everywhere on the web with the twisty, distorted letters you're supposed to decipher and type in to prove that you're human.  I've always hated the damn things, and now we've created something that's a lot better.  You can try it for yourself at http://www.hive-secure.com .
Please take the time to have a look at our site, and if you like it, please share it:  Tweet it, Facebook it, blog about it, email your friends.  It's important that people learn about this and encourage website operators to make a change. If you have time, I would also appreciate it if you could visit our Facebook page and "like" it.

1 comment:

franklin fine dining said...

I think HIVE is better than those CAPTCHAs. Since HIVE will require a human being to answer the question, this will also be effective in proving one is human. This is a worthy alternative to those distorted letters.