Saturday, February 25, 2012


I attended a party held by Steven and Barbra, with a Dia de Muertos theme. (Yes, that festival is at the beginning of November, and yes, this is the weekend after Mardi Gras, but Dia de Muertos is what we had). Barbra made excellent carnitas and lots of decorated sugar skulls; Steven made a pie, vegetarian chili, and bean dip and tortilla chips, plus various non-thematic munchies, soda, beer and wine. Most of the guests seemed to know Steven from the yoga class he teaches, or from Ironman events. There was Jamie, who molds industrial plastics; Pat, who bought a house in October and gotten his books moved in, but not himself; Stacey, who had come down from Richmond to model in a photo shoot showing off an AK47 and a MAC10 with suppressor ("[the MAC10] doesn't look like a big gun, but when you're holding it out at arm's length, trying to keep perfectly still while the photographer is getting twenty shots, it gets really heavy"); and about another ten people whose names are eluding me at the moment. A typical party: get some food, then stand around with a drink in hand and talk to people. Had a good time. Daisy, the pit bull pup, was the star of the party; she is twelve weeks old and adorable, with several people saying she looks like Pete the Pup.

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