Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas decoration

Cold and windy today. After church, I applied weatherstripping, repaired a light, and did similar unseen honeydos. Diana's efforts were a little more visible. Here's the dinner table, tree, and fireplace after she got done.

Christmas tree

Christmas fireplace


Lux Mentis said...

The guy in red looks like Santa, sans the red toque.

What do you call cold? We got -30 C (-22 F) the other night. Today is 4 C (39 F). I was wandering around with my jacket open thinking how balmy 4 C was. At -30, I was hoping my blood wouldn't crystalize...

Laserlight said...

The guy in red doesn't have the white beard or jolly disposition. I was reading Sir Steven Runciman's History of the Crusades vol 1, as a means of recuperating from the doecoration frenzy.

"Cold" would be upper 40s, low 50s Fahrenheit--around 10C