Friday, June 12, 2009


On Sunday, the tomatoes were entirely green, and it was obvious that it would be quite a while before they were ripe. Wednesday the first one was ripe. Now we're thinking about salsa and ketchup. We also had the first few peas, and the peppers are starting to show more than just leaves.


Pamela said...

I wonder if growth is guaranteed as long as life exists with a few necessary factors?

Laserlight said...

Yes, but the necessary factors are different for different plants. Some things need to be pruned. Cherries, as I recall, need frost for a few weeks if the seeds are to germinate. The marsh grass down by the boat ramp is growing really quickly--three feet in a few weeks--but it doesn't produce anything. The crepe myrtles take longer to grow but look a lot prettier when they're mature. Talk to your Gardener.

Lux Mentis said...

If you have a surplus of good tomatos, make yourself some pasta sauce. It freezes well enough.