Thursday, July 16, 2009

Vacation plans

Diana's going to the Gaspé to visit her mum till the end of July, then planning to go to Zambia to visit my mom and dad, probably starting in late August--we can take Josh to university and Diana to British Airways in one trip.
As for me, I have to use six vacation days before the end of the year, and I'm mulling over destinations. The Gaspé is too cold, and Zambia's too far for a six day trip. Right now I'm thinking Arizona, for Canyon de Chelly and the Grand Canyon. I'd be open to considering other destinations, though.
Oh, and Josh may be going to Griffith University in Brisbane for a semester.


Lux Mentis said...

Brisbane... jealous....

How about Ontario? I hear it is quite nice during the summers.

Laserlight said...

Your idea of "summer" is lacking about 20 degrees F.