Thursday, October 21, 2010


Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, but my office is observing it next Friday. I'm thinking of a steampunk outfit this year. Why be a mere ordinary pirates, when you can be an airship pirate?
Fire up the boilers, there's a good chap! Arm the Galvanic Discharge Cannon Mark III's, old boy, and strap your Professor Gould's Patent Photonic Death Ray at your side! Board that aether flyer and take all their gin!


Anonymous said...

Pirates... argh.

Glorifying dastardly, unwashed heathens with little loyalty, honour or virtue and glorifying a life of pillage, hard labour, disease, and an early death on the gallows as some sort of utopian anarchist or libertarian archetype....

The steampunk part is cool, I will say. I'm just about as against the pirate zeitgeist as it is possible to be.

Sounds like you'd have had fun though. I'm waiting for a picture!

Laserlight said...

I'd guess that pirates weren't as glamorous as they're made out to be, but they weren't always as wretched as they're sometimes made out to be either. And you have to take the environment into account. The Golden Age of Piracy was around the time of the 30 Years War and the English Civil War. Neither of those was pleasant, particularly if you were losing.
I've seen some pirate compacts, and they were quite egalitarian and reasonable.
Of course, there were also pirates like Francois l'Ollonais, who you really wouldn't want to have around.