Sunday, November 14, 2010

NaNoWriMo update

My total for the month just hit 22,000. That's a little behind schedule, but I should ketchup tonight. With french fries and grilled hamburger. I put a little dry mustard and honey in the hamburger, along with chopped onion, black and red pepper, and salt. Yum.

The leaves are turning here. Some years they go from green straight to brown, but this year there's some red and  yellow. In the afternoon sunlight, the marsh grass looks gold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are about a month or five weeks behind our colour change. It was pretty fast this year. I did get to enjoy a few days of the colour change in Conneticut and NY state though, driving through the mountains, and that was nice.

Fall is, visually, quite enjoyable. I also like the harvest time for food choices. Still, my favourite season is Spring with the rejuvenation of life, the sun and warmth (but not ludicrous summer heat), and the unveiling of the landscape from its winter blanketing of snow.

Keep writing. 50,000 words is still a ways off and you must always fear writers cramp (carpal tunnel).