Saturday, November 20, 2010

NaNoWriMo update

Woot ! I wrote 5033 words today, and I'm ahead of my goal for month-to-date! (A tiny tiny bit ahead, but ahead nonetheless).
Of course, I have no idea what the climax of this story is going to be or how my protagonist is going to avoid becoming human sushi in the process, but shall we let that deter us? NEVAH ! We press forward blindly boldly !

Edit: In response to a comment by another NaNo-er "a fresh plot point really carried you through, huh?", I replied:  "Plot? Nah. I just had a minor character try to cross a bridge guarded by attack sheep. She sang a song, one unhyphenated syllable at a time. That was 3762 words. Another 1300 words for throwing said character to the guard sheep, and the hemoglobin-diffusing unpleasantries associated therewith. The song was of course Ninety Nine Baa Tolls Of Beer On The Wall."

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