Thursday, November 4, 2010

Post # 500

I started this blog on November 1, 2008. This is post #500. Not as high a count as I'd originally had in mind--I'd intended to post every day--but a lot higher than it would have been if I'd done nothing.


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed being able to keep up with small slices of your life down there.

I wish my own posts were more regular or interesting. Life just has been more bland and corporate here and I'm just not having the adventures worthy of posting much about anymore.

Laserlight said...

My reason for posting every day or two is to force myself to notice things and try things. If you don't look for something interesting, you won't notice it; but if you make up your mind that you're going to write about something, then you'll find something worth writing about.

Make the decision to go and find adventures, even small ones. Pick out a food at the grocery that you haven't tried before. Go into a different restaurant. Browse through a pawn shop, yard sale, art show. Pick up a book in a genre you don't usually read. Ask your barber, librarian, shop clerk about the weirdest person she's talked to lately. Look in the "local events" section of the paper and pick something.