Saturday, August 20, 2011

Phoenix, Winslow, Holbrook

Phoenix was pleasantly warm (106°) and desert-y, with palm trees in the city and cacti outside. Drove north though Payson, Strawberry, and the aptly named Pine--by that elevation the cacti have given way to pine forest, sometimes with no ground cover, sometimes with sage grass or brush.

Stopped at the Standing on the Corner Park in Winslow, which is actually just a wide
sidewalk with a mural, signpost and statue.

Got to Homolovi Ruins at 4:25. It turns out they close at 5pm, but it only took ten minutes to look at the kiva (uncovered basement) and piles of rocks and some potsherds, and there wasn't anything else to see. It was silent there except for the wind. No people, no cars, no planes, no animals. Except the ranger station, no buildings in sight, all the way out to the horizon. Desolate.
Drove to Holbrook, had a Navajo taco with green chiles at Joe and Aggie's Cafe, and slept at the Wigwam Motel.

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