Thursday, May 17, 2012

Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from D&D

  1. You'll be more successful if you have a plan for your life, instead of taking it as it comes
  2. In order to make that plan, you will need the advice of someone who knows the system better than you do.
  3. Being bold is more fun than being cautious.
  4. Get along with people, especially your own group.
  5. Don't get separated from your friends.
  6. A person with high intelligence but low wisdom will do stupid things
  7. People who do stupid things tend to regret it. Or die abruptly.
  8. You will gather more fame and fortune by being really really good at one thing, than you will by being marginally okay at a lot of things.
  9. It takes a lot of effort to be a hero--but what else would you want to be?

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