Friday, November 6, 2009


I went to Brunswick Georgia this past weekend to visit my grandparents. They're moving a bit slowly, look a bit frail, and his short term memory isn't always up to par, but generally they're in good shape. They both beat me at cards about five games out of seven, and I wasn't worried about him driving us through Old Towne Brunswick on Sunday afternoon. Mostly we just talked.

The downtown / historical part of Brunswick has a bookstore called Hattie's Books, and it was inevitable that I visit. I got A Terrible Love of War, A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World, and Ecology of a Cracker Childhood. Haven't read any of them, though; I read most of Dudley Pope's Life in Nelson's Navy on the trip.

1 comment:

Lux Mentis said...

Glad your grandparents are still with you. I lost my Grandfather in 1989 at the age of 91. On that day, I also lost my best friend.