Monday, July 26, 2010

Bumper Sticker

I saw this one: "God Bless The Whole World--No Exceptions".
Really? Bless the ones who are lazy and willfully ignorant? The ones who see any position of power as an opportunity for graft? The ones who enslave their women? The ones who feel that killing off the next tribe over is a fine sport? Bless them just as much?


MarmaladePam said...

Yes... because bless me too.

Laserlight said...

And if you're impulsive, dishonest, violent, drunk, ignorant and lazy, is it reasonable to expect God to bless you as much as He does who you're self disciplined, honest and industrious?

Lux Mentis said...

What about if you recant and repent? He's good at the forgiveness thing or so I'm told.

So a prior history of being a crapulent human being apparently doesn't matter as long as you change your mind and decide to become a good one at some point before keeling over.

For me, I have a little simpler morality. God Bless those who are decent, compassionate human beings who do right by their fellow men.

For those that prey on their fellow men or women in any of the many forms, I have a different option called 'DIVINE SMITE'.

But that's why I'm not Jesus (well, ignoring the fact he lived a while ago). I'm not as good at forgive and forget. Some things you just don't forget in my books. You may forgive, maybe, but not forget and not pretend things are okay fine just because the bad person recanted.

I guess I'm just very Presbyterian in that sense - unlike the Catholics who can buy an indulgence or say a few Hail Marys, I carry my sins with me to meet my maker. And then I have to account for them. No getting away from that.

Laserlight said...

A sin, in my opinion, is an act that breaks your relationship, but sometimes there's other damage involved in that act. If your daughter takes your car without your permission and totals it, she can repent and restore the relationship with you; but that doesn't fix the car.

Laserlight said...

A Catholic friend says that your knowledge of Catholicism needs updating, but God has obviously already punished you, as you're Canadian. "We say among ourselves, We may burn...but at least we ain't Canadian."


Anonymous said...

Clearly, today was sunny at the Highland games. My face shows evidence of the Burn.

And yes, the Catholic Church makes claims of having done away with indulgences. But they still do pennance and atone for their sins. Me, I don't get to atone until I'm called to account by St. Peter.

Laserlight said...

I'll start another post on this topic