Saturday, July 24, 2010


Coming back from Toronto Sunday night, we made it to Philly but our flight from Philly to Norfolk was cancelled. There was still one more flight, but it was full. Monday morning's flight was delayed also but eventually arrived around noon. We discovered the microwave had died, which was no surprise; we also found the water heater was leaking. I suspect one of our house sitters moved the dryer and hit the drain pipe, breaking the seal; in any event, we got to buy a new heater on Tuesday. Fortunately the leak was from high up on the heater, so we had a 2-3 gallon flood instead of 50 gallons.
Also on Tuesday, Josh took my car to Fairfax so he could see his new apartment (we signed the lease while he was in Australia this spring) and go to the Iron Maiden concert.
Oh, and I still need to go in to work and make a month's worth of sales in two weeks, and deal with accumulated angst from various friends, neighbors, caretakers, and so forth. If you're wondering why I'm just getting around now to posting what happened last weekend, that's why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a good and decent man. Just breathe.

Glad you're home.