Thursday, September 30, 2010


Diana was out walking the mutt this evening just before I got home from work, and came across yellowjackets, with about forty stings. So we took a quick trip to the hospital ER. No allergic reactions, just painful stings; an IV with antihistamine and steroids seems to have taken care of most of it, at least for now.


Anonymous said...

Give her all my best wishes for a quick heal. 40 Stings? Jeez, Louise.

Not sure what your 'yellowjackets' are like. We have bees (honey and bumble), wasps (some about 3/4") and hornets (up to 2"... mean sonofaguns).

As an allergic, I'm anti-stinging stab-tailed bug things. Except when they make me honey, for which I forgive them their other sins if they stay out of my way.

Laserlight said...

Yellowjackets are a variety of hornet. Fortunately she's not allergic so, aside from that first hour or so, it's mainly been the itching from 40 welts.