Monday, January 4, 2010

Winter games

The temperature has dropped to "unbearably cold", which means it's so cold that any sensible bear would move south. There's a skin of ice on the river, which I don't recall seeing in past years--although it must have happened in past years, so maybe my memory has just rejected such a traumatic experience. And there's a brisk wind, straight from the Canadian Rockies, roaring across that river and straight into my unsheltered house. Consequently we've been enjoying a game of "Find the Draft". That's not draft as in "beer", that's draft as in "why look, I can see daylight through the window frame, perhaps that has something to do with why my left shoulder is sheathed in ice." Thus far I've used two rolls of weather stripping and half a tube of caulk, and while it's still not toasty inside, at least it's noticeably warmer.


Lux Mentis said...

It's amazing the difference being wind-tight makes. Our detached garage is quite tolerable even when the heat is only set in the 50s vs. the outside if there is a big wind on (common at my parents place on top of a hill).

Beer would be draught I think. As in draught horses who bring your draught to you. At least in proper English.

Also, note that bears, with thick wooly coats, will be in no rush to move to warmer climes. They'd probably find just sub-freezing quite tolerable.

I wish my apartment had a normal or french style door to the balcony. The slider leaks air badly and other than using a plastic seal over the entire door or else insulating with styrofoam (or both), I can't seem to stymie the leak. And on the 13th/14th floor, the wind howls by and takes a lot of heat with it.

Laserlight said...

If you prefer spelling the F sound with UGH, then a wind through the wall would also be a draught.

And I believe you're confusing bears with sheep. Bears don't have wool.