Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yet more snow

Today is Josh's birthday, and he was praying for snow so he could get out of his biology exam at 7:30am--what a way to start your birthday, eh? His prayers were effective but not well targeted, in that the snow arrived here, not at George Mason. Our third snow this month, and more coming Sunday.

Today's snow was enough for the kids to stay home from school, and plenty of accidents--at least seventy in the area. Rain first, then freeze, then about two inches of snow, then more rain. I went to lunch at 1pm and the car slid around the turns, even going quite slowly--it was interesting.

Lunch was with Diana and our friend Barbra, who gave me an amaryllis for Christmas. She was anxious to reassure me that she'd done the hard part of getting it planted and started; all I have to do is make sure it gets water. And sunlight. And a warm temperature. something else. We'll see how long it survives.


McBugBear said...

Why do you have this antipathy towards snow?

We actually have gotten less snow here in Kingston than you have in Virginia beach.

Laserlight said...

It's cold. And sooner or later it turns into ice and/or slush, which is even worse: cold, wet, and slick. Kind of like some politicians...

If snow were, say, 50 degrees and just evaporated when it was done, I'd be fine with it.