Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Condo Meeting

Our condo association needs to remodel the outside of the buildings, and tonight was the meeting to choose what color the siding was going to be. Out of about 130 owners, twelve showed up.

There were eight different choices, ranging from olive to grey to the beige we have now to a lemon yellow. Since I knew what colors I wanted to avoid, and since at least five people were talking at once, I took the opportunity to use my Jedi mind powers to manipulate the result. "Does anyone want that bright malaria yellow?" As you'd expect from a random distribution, 1.5 people voted for it and everyone else said no. We threw that out. "How about that dark swamp green?" Again, 2.4 in favor, the rest against. I kept whittling down the field--sometimes helped by simply saying in a firm voice "Who wants zombie grey? Okay, you can throw that out, nobody wants grey" and ignoring the fact that 4.25 people did want grey--until we got to two choices. At that point I got outvoted seven to five, but since I'd nudged things to help ensure that both of the final choices were colors I'd be happy with (and were nearly identical), I didn't mind "losing".

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