Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Not here, but at George Mason they got a couple of inches. Josh ambushed his art professor with snowballs, then retreated with the professor in hot (or perhaps cold) pursuit, then ducked around a corner and ambushed him again. There's something of the nomad horseman in that boy.
Josh's typical winter attire is board shorts, a tee shirt and hoodie. We finally prevailed on him to add jeans and a sweater to that mix, but tonight he called to let us know that he was wearing a tee shirt and making a snow angel. "You can take Josh out of the shorts, but you can't take the shorts out of Josh."

1 comment:

Lux Mentis said...

What you call winter, I call 'a bracing fall day' or 'a slightly chilly summer day'.... Josh can easily survive those temperatures.

Now, when it hits -39C (-38F) before wind chill like it has a few nights around here, I'm betting he'd be wearing more than shorts. The lad is young and enduring, but I'm pretty certain 'flesh freezes within 30 seconds of building exit and frostbite begins' would convince him to dress up... at least a bit.

And yes, you probably think there is something of the horse (or part thereof) in the lad from time to time... (isn't that what Dad's are classically supposed to think?)...

For what its worth, I miss Tracer. Hope he's doing well an Uni.