Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First night in jail

Our friend had her first night in jail last night, and called us this evening. Before she turned herself in, she had a drink with schnapps (possibly more than one, there was noise in the background and it was hard to hear her); apparently because of the alcohol, they put her in the holding tank overnight. Bare concrete, urine on the walls and floor, no bed. Put your blanket in the cleanest spot you can find and use your shoes for a pillow. Try to sleep, on the cold concrete with the lights on all night and one of the inmates in another block yelling.
Today she went to a regular cell, which has beds with some padding--"as thick as six layers of toilet paper". It's a lot drier there than here, so she needs chapstick and eye drops and skin lotion. You can order that sort of thing from the commissary, but not till Saturday, and they arrive Thursday, halfway through her sentence. She had taken the things she needed, plus notepaper and pen and such, but she couldn't bring anything in with her.
She sounded exhausted and scared, as if she was having to work at it not to break into tears.
There is some good news, though. The other women who are in with her are mostly in their forties, and don't seem to be troublemakers. She said "Everyone is very nice", although I'm not clear whether she meant the staff or the inmates or both. And she may get out a day or so early for good behavior. Even getting out six or seven hours early would let her catch a plane home that evening.

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