Sunday, February 15, 2009

Goals progress

One of my goals for the year is to get my weight down from 202 to 190lb. Diana and I started an exercise program with a trainer about three weeks ago, working out three or four times a week. I'm pleased to report that I'm now down to 197. I'm eating pretty much the same as usual, so I didn't really expect that much of a difference that quickly.

1 comment:

Lux Mentis said...

Before I had a very bad two year stint, I shed about 20-25 pounds while doing 10-15km a day on the wind trainer (exercise bike sort of) and some stretches. I ate healthy, with not a lot of carbs or dairy, but didn't omit either of those entirely.

Exercise is the big differentiator, though you may find at a certain point, fat turns to muscle and you actually cease to lose weight, as muscle is heavier.

Of course, falling off the wagon is a danger... (sigh)